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SKINS event - 2019 dates TBC


Held at the Beacon Leisure Centre around June each year in place of the Tuesday night training session.  


SKINS is a knockout event with swimmers competing in heats, at the end of each heat the slowest person is eliminated. A second/third heat are then swum at approximately 3-minute intervals until a maximum of 5 swimmers remain. At this point, all the heats would come together and the knockout rounds would continue until there is a winner. Each sprint could be any stroke decided at random by the eliminated swimmer and will be either 25m or 50m depending on the number of us taking part/time available.


This is a fun event to watch and our swimmers appreciate the support.


When attending the SKINS event children should bring an extra towel for poolside, a top to wear between swims, a light snack and drink for between races.

Last Updated 11/07/2019

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